Saving David

brooklawnDavid grew up amid the turmoil of his parents’ drug addiction. Both his mother and father had fallen under the spell of crack cocaine, and soon that’s all that mattered to them.

As the drug took over their lives, raising a child became more of a burden than a blessing, and they soon came up with an idea of how to rid themselves of David. Their solution was to lock David in his room and set their house on fire.

David was rescued, but suffered second and third degree burns to his torso, arms and legs.

David will carry those scars for the rest of his life, but he no longer blames himself for the tragedy thanks to the therapy he received at Brooklawn.

David still struggles. But his nightmares are all but gone, and he no longer is afraid to go to sleep.

Recently his foster parents decided they wanted to make David part their family and are seeking to adopt him permanently.

You can help children like David by visiting Brooklawn's website at